Friday, May 22, 2009

Here I Go...

Well here I am, little 'ol Acey, making a blog. My blog title probably isn't all that accurate, since Ace isn't that rare of a nickname, but whatever! I really don't care! If another Ace has a problem with it then they can just say it to my face! Well maybe not my face, but you get the idea xD My two awesome friends, Yonder and Rino, are the ones that inspired me make this thing, though they have no clue that I made one yet. I'll tell them though...eventually ^^; But anyways, yeah I was checking out their blogs. Got around to reading all of Yonder's but Rino, yours is just so LONG! Sorry but someone had to tell you. Haha, well I'll get around to reading it all soon enough. This is mainly for my online peeps since my friends in real life know what's going on, most the time anyways...

So yeah today was my first day of summer vacation! Just got out of school yesterday. I'm a senior in high school now baby xD WOOT! *cough cough* Yeah but anyways, today wasn't so fun xP I woke up at 11am and sat around in my pjs all day. Watched TV, ate lunch, went on the computer, watched TV, went on the computer, etc. That's about it basically. Until my mom asked if I wanted to drive her to the Hallmark store (by the way, I'm trying for my license next weekend, or at least that's what I keep telling myself anyways xD). I was seriously debating though because it would mean I would actually have to get dressed. Such a pain, I know. But I decided what the heck? Might as well get some fresh air right? Though I wasn't even outside that much actually...

Any who, I threw on some clothes and drove to Hallmark! That particular Hallmark was closing down so everything was half off. My mom was really happy about that. There was some nifty things there. Lots of hoops&yoyo items. I love them <3 We got a Father's Day card for my dad with them babbling away in it. Very funny. We got a few more things then went off to Cold Stone! I've been craving Cold Stone lately so I was a very happy camper. I got Watermelon Sorbet with rainbow sprinkles. Yum yum <3 My mom got Strawberry Banana Mango Sorbet with chocolate chips. But it took her like FOREVER to choose. I kept teasing her afterwards. Hehe. Well have you ever seen that episode of Spongebob where Patrick comes into the Krusty Krab and Squidward asks him what he wants? And he just stands there like 'Ughhhhhh..." Then Spongebob suggests a Krabby Patty and then Squidward asks if he would like it to go and again it's with the 'Ughhhhhhh..." Yeah it was something like that but without the 'Ugh' part. Haha. Gotta love my mommy <3

Yesterday was more entertaining. It was the last day of school, thank goodness xD I had my last two finals, math and history. Bleh xP Luckily I did pretty decent on them though. I got A's in all my classes but math, which I got a high B so it's still good! I went to graduation with my two friends Jessica and Dani. We went to cheer for my other friend Alex. She grew up so fast T.T It was fun, though it was sprinkling the whole time so we were freezing our butts off. And I live in Arizona people! It hardly ever rains here but it just HAD to rain on graduation night. It did that for the first time on a graduation night last year, during my sister's graduation, so now I just hope it doesn't do it next year for mine. *knocks on wood* Afterwards Alex went off to hang out with her family so Jessica, Dani, and I went to Sonic! What? Standing in the rain listening to almost 800 kids names made us hungry xD So yeah that was how these last two days went. Nothing terribly exciting sadly but ah well.

Now I feel like playing Guitar Hero II so I will! Then I shall watch 'The Nanny' on Nick at Night xD
